About Us
Allow us to introduce ourselves: We are Michael and Belle, a husband and wife duo in Music City USA. Our journey to becoming Three Stone Creek began, well, at Three Stone Creek. When we got married, the first thing we did was buy a piece of land. We wanted to build a house. What better way for 2 newlyweds in their early 20s, with no building experience whatsoever, to do that than to act as their own contractors, right?!?! I'll spare the details and sum all that up by saying the house did get built, it is still standing, and we didn't kill each other or anyone else in the process, BUT we learned LOADS of things along the way... trial by fire, so to speak. Jump right in and sink or swim.
So where does Three Stone Creek come in? We built our house with a basement. Little did we know our entire property was basically a rock bed, so we had to blast the basement hole. (Remember what I said about "trial by fire" and not killing anyone? You thought that was hyperbole, right?) When they dug the rock out of the pit, there were three car-sized boulders that couldn't be hauled away. We decided to place them along the creek that runs through our property, so it became Three Stone Creek! See, you thought all this house building nonsense had no relation to our furniture shop, didn't you?
So let's skip ahead a little, shall we? We had all this wealth of knowledge (hahaha) that we gained building our house, so we parlayed that into flipping houses. We found ourselves building custom cabinets, vanities, barn doors, etc in order to achieve the look we wanted in our renovations. With all the skills we were racking up, we moved on to furniture pieces for our own house. More and more people saw our work and began requesting custom orders and custom renovations. So that's the short (long?) version of how Three Stone Creek was born. It's truly love, skill, and craftsmanship, gained organically over time, that has led us to open this shop.
We're a couple who loves working together, has a passion for beautiful things, a need to create them from the ground up, and a desire to see people enjoy those creations. Thanks for visiting!
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